1) The following is fiction, any relation to persons alive or dead, and/or events past, present, or future are purely coincidental.
2) Some chapters may contain subject matter not suitable for all readers (including sexualized descriptions, gay themes, and nudity).
3) Some chapters may have spelling and grammatical errors, this is due to minimal editing done between creation and posting. Please do not nitpick on these errors.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

BTC 7: Tears of Joy

Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy
Chapter 7: Tears of Joy

Joe and Christie sat panting at the table.

“I’ve not danced like that in ages. Thanks for suggesting it,” Christie said over the din of the club, once she caught her breath.

“Thanks for showing me this place. Do you care to go to a more quiet spot now?” Joe asked.

The club was beginning to creep him out. Not the club itself, but a couple of guys in the club. He’d over heard a couple of snippets of their conversations, and although he disapproved of the things they said, and their apparent attitude on people, it was a look, a movement, something that told Joe that for Christie’s sake, and his own, it would be best to get out of there soon, and discretely.

“Yeah, sure. I hope you still like poetry. There’s a great after hours cafĂ© that has some dark poetry readings Friday nights around this time.”

Joe looked at Christie, with the look of ‘Why ask, of course I do’ before getting up and heading out of the club.

“Oh nice to get out of that din,” Christie commented.

Joe nodded. The guys in the club made Joe realise that there were some things he’d have to hide from Christie, and some he’d have to tell her. One, his relationship, should come soon.

“There is something I have to tell you,” Joe said opening the car door for her.

Getting in his car, Joe turned to Christie. “Christie, a lot has happened since I left, some I’m not ready to tell, some I can’t say, but there is something important you must know. As I said I can’t be your prince, well part of it is I’m already someone else’s prince.”

“Oh Joe. I’m glad for you.”

“You’re not upset?”

“Why should I be? How serious is it?”

“We’ve been friends for ever, and I could definitely see our parents wanting us to get married. I do love you, but as a sister, as family. As for how serious my relationship is . . . Well marriage is a possibility, but our careers limit that at the moment. Are you sure you’re alright?” Joe asked seeing tears in Christie’s eyes.

“Yeah, I’m just so happy for you and well, happy you still love and care for me. Now you have to tell me all about her. She's going to move here too, right?”

BTC 6: The Colour Blue

Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy
Chapter 6: The Colour Blue

"That must be Christie." Rachael said as the sound of the front door closing echoed in the front hall.

Joe stood as Christie entered. She was wearing a stunning blue dress.

"This was not intended to be formal." Henry muttered.

Joe smiled at his uncle's remark as well as Christie's appearance.

“When old friends get reacquainted, a little formality is not necessarily neglected.” Joe said to Henry as he passed towards Christie. “I remember the times as a child we played and you often were the princess waiting for your prince to come. Today I see not a princess, but an angel in your beauty.” Joe hugged Christie, who retuned the gesture. “I am not, nor will be your prince,” he added in a whisper.

“Joe you’re so sweet. Always kind to me. I hope life is treating you as well as you look. Although the accent is a bit of a pleasant shock.”

“Aye, life is good.”

“And what brings you back to Canada?”

“Business.” Joe glanced at his uncle and nodded. Their business had been completed soon after Joe had arrived. Henry said he would risk the deal to save the company. “Business that may perhaps bring me back to Canada more permanently.”

“Oh Joe!” Christie hugged Joe tighter. “That sounds great. Will you be here or would it be elsewhere in Canada?”

“Here. I’ve been interested in returning home, so to speak, and just asked if there was any possibility of a job at the BioTech company.”

“Having Joe work with us would be a great honour,” Henry interjected.

“We can continue this at the table, dinner is ready,” Rachael said getting up and leading the way.

Joe escorted Christie in to the dinning room as Henry took the dogs out back for the supper hour.

“So you are done your degree now?” Christie asked.

“Nearly. A couple more months.”

Joe smiled as they entered the dining room. The fact that Christie was wearing blue, a much lighter shade than his shirt, was interesting he thought, but the dining room was itself blue, something to almost laugh at. The walls, although they appeared white, had a faint robin egg blue hue to them, giving a mix of warmth and coolness to the room. The drapes across the picture frame window were a sea blue, accenting the blue sky, now going dusk, and the green grass out the back yard. The table cloth was a pastel blue with dark blue serviettes to match.

Blue was not Joe’s favourite colour, but nor was it the one he detested. Regardless, the blue of the dining room amused him.


Thursday, 22 March 2007

BTC 5: Dogs

Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy
Chapter 5: Dogs

Joe arrived at the Brightonston’s five minutes early, the traffic was not as bad as he’d thought. He parked the pink Cadillac out front and grabbed the bottle of wine and flowers, a mixture of tulips and carnations with two birds of paradise. Rachael, his adopted aunt, loved the birds of paradise, and Joe recalled the many times picking tulips with Christie when they were kids.

Joe paused before closing the car door. Putting the wine and flowers back down, he tossed his cowboy hat back in the car and checked his hair. ‘I should have got a trim,’ he thought, running his hand through the shoulder length hair.

After straightening his dark metallic blue dress shirt, with the top 2 buttons undone, he grabbed the wine and flowers again and headed up the walk to the front door. Joe could hear the dogs barking inside, and remembered the pup the Brightonstons had the last time he’d seen them. Henry answered the door just as Joe was about to ring the doorbell.

“Joe my lad, grat you could make it. Come on in.”

Joe was ambushed by a German Sheppard and a Golden Retriever.

“Back boys, this is Joe a friend,” Henry said trying to hold the dogs back.

“Never mind them,” Joe said handing the wine and flowers to Henry. “My flatmate has a dog, I’m use to it.”

Henry smiled and took the wine and flowers as Joe knelt and pet the dogs.

“You’re clever dogs. Be good and kind, protect your family,” Joe whispered in Welsh. Standing, Joe walked farther into the house, keeping his hands on the dogs’ heads.

“Come this way,” Henry said from around the corner. “Rachael is cooking and Christie is on her way. Please come take a seat. Care for a drink?”

“No thanks,” Joe replied entering the living room and joining his adopted uncle.

BTC 4: Public Transit

Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy
Chapter 4: Public Transit

Christie left the room with the rest of her class. As chit chat erupted, her mobile buzzed, indicating a text message.

Christie waved goodbye to her friends as she headed to the bus, checking the message on the way.

"Joe Trebble is coming for dinner" was the message from her father.

Christie had not seen Joe for almost 4 years, what would he be like now?

The bus stopped and Christie got on, her red hair blowing slightly in the wind. She smiled to the surly looking bus driver as she showed her pass. He looked back and nodded.

"Where was Gus?' She thought of the bus driver who usually drove this route.

She walked down the length of the bus, looking at the people around. Some she recognized, some she didn't.

'Would Joe be all formal like that business man reading the National Post? He was doing that business degree,' she thought. 'Or would he be more like that Goth kid at the back, all in black and in his own style? Joe had implied to me that he had got involved in a unique group of people.' Christie sat in her normal seat, smiling at the kids across the passage. 'Or is he married now with kids of his own?'

"Hey Christie. You left suddenly from class," Trevor, a classmate, said taking the seat next to her.

"Got company tonight," Christie replied.

"Oh, well, I, um . . . say what did you think of today's lecture?"

Christie looked closely at Trevor, he hardly ever took this bus. Suddenly she realized something about him. He had always seemed so shy around her, and awkward when he talked about anything other than school. He wasn't that bad looking, short brown hair, and green eyes, good body, but perhaps needed to work out.

"It was an interesting paper presented, not too sure if the techniques were properly documented. So where are you going Trevor?"

"Off, um, shopping. . . . maybe a movie."

"You know, I've heard there are a couple really good movies out, perhaps we could catch one next week," Christie said seeing Trevor blush. He was obviously trying to ask her out.

"Yeah, um, sounds good."

"Here's my stop. Give me a call tomorrow." Christie got off the bus.


BTC 3: Love

Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy
Chapter 3: Love

Joe drove off from the BioTech building. His meeting went well with Henry, at least he hoped so. The dinner tonight might change all that.

Tonight. What would he tell Christie. He knew she cared for him, her sporadic letters were clear as day to him, what with the training he had. But he didn't love her as she loved him. There was another in his life. Yet once she heard he was in town, wand for no apparent reason, since the meeting with Henry was confidential, she might think he came for her.

Lost in thought, Joe drove the pink Cadillac back into town. Marcel was at the hotel when he returned.

"Thanks for the car," Joe said tossing the keys to Marcel.

"How was it, doesn't look like it went well."

"It went quite well, just a turn of events. How can I let Christie down?"

"What do you mean?"

Joe led Marcel into his hotel room as they talked. Taking off his white shirt.

"Henry invited me to their place for dinner, he'll give me his decision then. But Christie will be there."

Joe opened the closet to find something more appropriate to wear.

"If she knows you as well as you say, she should be fine with it. I'm surprised you've not told her."

"I never felt comfortable telling her in a letter. Besides, her last letter to me was about six months ago, and I was hoping she'd find someone else."


BTC 2: Persisting Against All Odds

Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy
Chapter 2: Persisting Against All Odds

Joe walked into Henry's office, there was a reason he was here, and he knew, despite his boyish good looks, many here would hate him for it, but it had to be done.
"Joe my boy, what brings you to our neck of the woods?" Henry said as Joe entered his office.
"Business. But we'll get to that later. How is Rachael and Christie?" Joe asked. Henry and Joe's father, Mark, had worked together for many years. Henry was almost like an uncle to him, Christie almost a sister. However that all changed about 7 years ago when Mark had passed away, a freak accident in the lab. That was back when the BioTech labs were in the city core. Since then Joe had seen less and less of Christie, Henry and Rachael, his adopted aunt. Especially when he had gone to Wales to do a business degree. Wales to do a business degree? Everyone had asked. But Joe wanted to get back in touch with his father's roots.
"Racheal is doing well, and Christie, well she is working on her masters in bio-physics. You should come by another time and say hello, she would be delighted to see you again. She's off at classes right now, but does some of her work here. Now what can I do for you? A drink to start?" Henry said in reply to Joe's questions.
Joe was about to say no to the drink, but based on why he was here Henry might need that drink. "Yeah sure." Joe took the stout glass, half filled with 21 yr old Scotch, a good year Joe thought smiling to himself that it was as old as he was - even though it was in Henry's possession for 2 years. Joe sat down on the visitor chair, Henry leaned against his desk. Joe took a scan of the room as he sipped his drink. The room was as he had remembered, three walls were covered in whiteboards, scribbles of molecular biology formulas and chemical compositions all over then, and covered then with papers of important research notes. Henry's desk was a pile of papers, a cracked decanting flask used as a pencil holder.
"I thought you were still in Wales," Henry said after sipping his scotch.
"I am, or was. Look, Uncle, I don't mean to be brash here, but I have learned of some things that I think you should know. Through the grapevine so to speak." Joe put down his glass. "There is this mega micro biology company in Birmingham that has been working hard towards a vaccine like what you are working on. They are cutting corners and hope to undermine everyone else that is doing legitimate work. Not only that they have been up to some corporate espionage, and apparently a couple of the smaller micro-biology companies in Switzerland and Italy have already been attacked," Joe leaned forward, noticing the worried look on his uncle's face. "I know a few of the right people in the right places to get a little of this knowledge, and I also know some people that can help. But seeing as this company is one of the bigger ones in Canada, you are bound to be targeted soon. I can help, but you have to trust me."
Henry gingerly put down his scotch, and turned. "I had heard about Switzerland, I thought it was an accident. What happened in Italy?"
"No accident. Italy, they lost 3 years of computer data, they have been good at covering it up, but it hit them hard."
Henry sat heavily in his chair. "What can you do for me?"
"You are not going to like this, I already know. Father would not approve either, but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire." Joe paused for a moment, it was hard to say, and do, what he needed to with a man he loved and trusted like his father. "They are recruiting people to spy on the other companies, my name is known to them connected to BioTech, they are not sure how deep my loyalties lie, nor have they asked me, but if I pull the right strings, I could be their spy here. The thing is I have to work for them. But I can play the double agent, inform you, and only you, what I know. This means I get no special treatment when I work here, so I can limit what I pass on to them, but I have to give them something or.... well I heard that Switzerland was because their mole was not performing." Joe was shaking inside, this was going to an uphill battle all the way to save the company his father helped found.
Joe could see the grim expression on Henry's face, it made him look 10 years older. "Would it be any good? You acting as a double agent, trying to save us in the face of unethical overzealous corporations?"
Joe was about to tell Henry the full truth, but stopped himself short. There was so much more to it than that, and despite all the odds he had to pursue it carefully. "Trust me it is."
"Let me think about it. Come by the house later tonight, even if I have not decided, it would be good for you to see the family."


Next: Chapter 3: Love 

BTC 1: A Hot Pink Car

Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy
Chapter 1: A hot pink car

A hot pink Cadillac pulled up in front of the BioTech building. Everyone with a window on that side of the building had seen the car approach and work had stopped. The BioTech building was at the end of a long road on the outskirts of the city, and there was no doubt that the car was either going to stop or turn around once it got to the building. People were curious, who would be driving the car, and why would they come here? Most of the other cars in the car park were the standard colours; white, black, blue, occasional red and yellow. Hot pink, that stood out. The employees all crowded at the windows to watch when the car stopped.
Really only those on the lower 2 floors of the 8 storey building could clearly see who stepped out; a man, in his early to mid twenties. He wore white jeans and a white cowboy hat and had a bare chest. He paused for a second after getting out of the car, and took off his cowboy hat, his blond hair fell to just below the nape of his neck. He reached into the car and pulled out a shirt, pulling it over his well defined muscular torso before placing the cowboy hat back on his head. He then proceeded towards the main entrance.
Inside a great commotion happened as everyone tried to rush to the lobby and see who this stranger was.

The man entered and walked confidently up to the reception. His white attire sticking out amongst the blue-green-grey tones of the building. "Good day ma'm, I'm here to see Dr. Birghtonston. My name's Joe. Joe Trebble. He should be expecting me."
Sarah, the receptionist had not taken her eyes of the man since he had left the car. His well toned body was only accented by his glowing youthful face, and his Welsh accent nearly made her melt. "Umm, oh, yes. Hold on a moment."
"Sure thing. I'll just take a seat." Joe turned and went to sit down.
Sarah watched his hot ass as he walked away towards the black leather chairs in the lobby. Once Joe was sitting the receptionist called Dr. Henry Brightonston. "Dr. there is a Mr Trebble here to see you."
"Who?" came Henry's voice on the other end.
"Joe Trebble" Sarah repeated.
"Ahh yes Joe. Send him in."
She hung up the phone, and stood to address Joe. "Dr. Brightonston will see you now. Third office on the left."
"Thanks Ma'm," Joe said tipping his hat and giving a slight bow before going through the security doors towards Henry's office.
The crowd of onlookers parted as Joe came through, smiling at them and tipping his hat to a few of them. Once he was passed them they all poured out into the lobby to gossip with the receptionist.
"Do you know who he is?" Marry asked.
"Joe Trebble." Sarah replied.
"Why is he here?" Jean asked.
"I Don't know” Sarah answered.

Welcome to the Adventures of Joe Trebble

I must start this blog off with a brief explanation. This is an off shoot from my miscellaneous writing blog (Hugh Kemeny's World of Writing) specifically for the Adventures of Joe Trebble.

Joe Trebble came to me during a freefall writing course. Freefall is essentially writing and not stopping. Letting things come as they wish. Joe's stories are such.

Each chapter is the writing suggestion randomly selected before the 10-20 min freefall writing. The suggestion is used to help give a starting point in some freefall methods.

Very little (if any) editing has been done from the freefall writing to the chapters that follow. The first 7 chapters were written in a group setting, and it is possible that other chapters will as well, so don't hold your breath for future chapters. But if you are anxious, let me know and I'll find the time to spend with Joe.


Chapter 1: BTC 1: A Hot Pink Car